Carpathian Rural Tourism:
Cooperation of V4+ rural tourism actors through social and digital innovation
Cooperation of V4+ rural tourism actors through social and digital innovation
Based on our previous experiences, gained in the frame of the CARPATHIAN TOURISM: Cooperation of V4 countries project (funded by the IVF) 4 workshops and a handbook were implemented on rural service marketing an ecotourism and we can conclude that the rural tourism service providers, local craft artists and social enterprises requires support in this improvement, foridentifying their market niche and a very special type of business planning. Strengthening links between rural services around the Visegrad Region is a key step for creating village hubs and multiservice rural entreprenurships.

The Cooperation of V4+ rural tourism actors through social and digital innovation actual project objective is to support the improvement of the local entrepreneurs products and services and support the development and the marketing of small scale quality tourism and local production linked to local environmental or cultural features: product and service innovation, applying innovative solution, developing high value added tourism in niche markets – cultural and environmentally friendly tourism, gastronomy tourism, sports tourism, pilgrimage etc.
This will be done through the project outcomes: workshops, handbook and a webinar will stress the tourism product development.
The project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.
The Lead Partner to the project is the Humtour Limited Liability Company:
Project Partners:
Ekopsychology Society, Poland:
Art and Craft of Stiavnica Civil, Slovakia:
Homeland Museum of Knjаževаc, Serbia:
Vavel – tourism business, Serbia:
Brasov County Council, Romania: