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Carpathian Tourism:
Cooperation of V4 Countries

CooperAtion of touRism for building PATHways through developIng HANdicraft workshops for tourist and rural TOURISM suppliers

CARPATHIAN TOURISM: Cooperation of V4 Countries

The project main aim is to empower local entrepreneurs to improve their handicraft workshops as tourism services and to increase the quality and the visibility of other rural tourism initiatives. This will be done through workshops, which will raise the knowledge of participants on tourism trends, social media and the usage of other marketing tools. These professional training courses and a manual and a final project booklet will help locals to promote themselves.

The project is funded by International Visegrad Fund, supported and co-financed by the UN Environment Vienna Office  Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention (SCC).

Our project includes the following events:
• 3 day Hungarian workshop Tiszabábolna HU from the 8th of May 2017 until the 10th of May 2017

• 3 day Polish workshop Uherce Mineralne PL from the 11th of May 2017 until the 13th of May 2017

•3 day Slovakian workshop Banská Štiavnica SK From the 18th of September until the 20th of September

• 3 day Czech workshop Nemcicky, Jihomoravský kraj CZ from the 21st of September until the 23rd of September 2017
• Presentation of the project results on the Fifth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Carpathian Convention UN Environment Lillafüred HU on the 11th of October 2017

The project lead partner is from Hungary, the Tisza menti Mezőség Turizmusáért Egyeslület – Association for Tourism in the Tisza Plain is experienced in the presentation, protection and popularization of the cultural heritage of the South­Borsod Floodplain and Tisza Region as well. The association was founded two years ago and its members organize and develop actively the touristic programs of the region.

Our partners from Poland are Stowarzyszenie Ekopsychologia

Websites: www.ekopsychologia.pl


and Piotr Wyderka Pracownia Miodosytnia

Our Partner from Slovakia is the Art and Craft of Stiavnica Civil Association -Občianske Združenie Umenie a remeslá Štiavnice
Website: http://umenievstiavnici.wixsite.com/home    

Partner from the Czech Republic is the Tourist Authority South Moravia – Centrála cestovního ruchu­Jižní Morava, z.s.p.o
Website: www.ccrjm.cz

UN Environment Vienna Office ­ – Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention (SCC) will participate in the project with inputs to the booklet and in its dissemination, SCC will also facilitate the participation of project partners within the Sustainable Tourism Working Group and within the Fifth Conference of the Parties in October 2017 for presenting the project activities and outputs. http://www.carpathianconvention.org/

The Ecologic Institute for Sustainable Development Foundation and the Üvegmanufaktúra Kft. are participating as strategic partners in the dissemination of the project workshop calls and of the project results.